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Contact   mike.trinder@chthonic.f9.co.uk

2000 to date   Web Interface Designer
Miller Hare Limited
Responsible for: designing ASP interfaces to extensive internal image database and automated image processing system using DHTML, XML and JavaScript targeted at IE5.5/6.0. Interactive web based walkthrough of new buildings using animation and VR panoramas. Created secure extranet to allow clients to monitor images as Miller Hare work on them. Designed and set up public website and backend server allowing the public to browse our image catalogue.

1994-1998   PhD - Cambridge University, EPSRC research grant
"The Potentials of Transparency in Sketch Design Interfaces"
An attempt to develop software that not only supports sketch design but encourages good sketching practice. Awarded October 1999
1992-1994   RIBA part II - Cambridge University
Diploma in Architecture, Commendation
1988-1991   RIBA part I - Cambridge University
BA(hons) Architecture (2:1)

1998-2000   Research Associate
Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies
"Exploiting the Internet to improve collaboration between users and the design team"

A 2 year research project in association with EPSRC, Microsoft, Bentley Systems, Informatix, RMJM London Ltd, Gardiner & Theobald. Designing, developing and running an extensive (3 Gb) website for the benefit of the Cambridge Computer Laboratory on the design of their new building by RMJM. The site serves CAD drawings, project documentation, essays on architectural issues and 3D visualisations as well as realtime, multiuser building walkthroughs. I am also responsible for the day to day running of the department website, file server and network of Macintosh and Windows 98/NT computers
1999-2000   CUMIS - Cambridge University Moving Image Studio
Workshop tutor, Mphil "Architecture and the Moving Image"
1995-2000   Cambridge Darkroom Gallery
Tutor, public access Photoshop course (two 3 hour classes)
1995-2000   Department of Architecture - Cambridge University
2nd year undergraduate classes and supervisions in Photoshop and Design Workshop (a simple 3D sketch modeller)
1994, 1995, 1996   Department of Architecture - Cambridge University
Tutor, digital video editing course (2nd and 4th year students)

Jun 1993 - Aug 1993   Model Maker - Giancarlo di Carlo, Gold Medal Exhibition, RIBA
1-500 model of Urbino University
Dec 1991 - Mar 1992   Yakeley Associates Architects Limited - Cambridge
Year out student. Draughting for Southwark Crown Court extension. 3D models and planning submission drawings for Ostend Office Building under John Pawson. MiniCad programming and development of office tools including automatic drainage/invert level tool
Jul 1991 - Nov 1991   Hammerwood Park - Hammerwood, East Grinstead
C18 Greek Revival Grade 1 house (Benjamin Latrobe)
Survey, historical investigation and proposed restoration of North Wing. 3D model and animations to illustrate restoration work to English Heritage

Sep 1995 - Oct 1995   Interactive Film Browser - CD
Director based prototype proposed to accompany publication of BFI/Cambridge University/NFTS book Film and Architecture, eds. Maureen Thomas & François Penz
Apr 1995   Interactive Venue Map and Film Browser - kiosk
Hypercard based venue location aid and student film showcase to accompany Cambridge University/NFTS conference 'Film and Architecture'
Jul 1989 - Sep 1989   Interactive Training Software - Northern Telecom Ltd
In-house training software for Northern Telecom e-mail system
Jun 1988 - Jul 1988   Production Line Automation - Adelaide, Australia
Animated, interactive display panel for computer controlled brick kiln

Programming   Pascal, Object Pacal, C, C++ - Mac OS
World Wide Web   HTML, DHTML, XML, Perl, JavaScript, VBScript/ASP - experienced in cross platform and cross browser support issues
Microsoft IIS 4.0 - set up and day to day (secure?) running and administration
Sample sites   Miller Hare - http://www.millerhare.com/
Department of Architecture - http://www.arct.cam.ac.uk/
Universalarts - http://www.universalarts.com/
PLEA 2000 - http://www.arct.cam.ac.uk/plea2000/
West Cambridge Project - http://www3.arct.cam.ac.uk/westC/
Women's History Network - http://www.lgu.ac.uk/fawcett/WHN/
Operating Systems   Windows NT Server 4.0 - server and network administration
Mac OS - administration, troubleshooting and maintenance
CAD   MiniCad+ 6.0 - extensive 2D draughting experience
Other   Photoshop 6.0/ImageReady 3.0, Pagemaker 6.5, 3D Studio Viz, Design Workshop, Illustrator 7.0, Premiere 4.0, Director 7.0

Oct 1999   Richens, P & Trinder, M, "Design Participation through the Internet: a case study", Architectural Research Quarterly, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1999
Apr 1999   Richens, P & Trinder, M, "Exploiting the Internet to improve communication between users and the design team", Computers and Building, Proc CAADfutures99, Atlanta, pp 31-47
PDF 218K
Apr 1999   Trinder, M, "The Computer's Role in Sketch Design: A Transparent Sketching Medium", Computers and Building, Proc CAADfutures99, Atlanta, pp 227-244
PDF 413K

Paul Richens   Director, The Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies
6 Chaucer Road
Cambridge CB2 2EB
Stephen Yakeley   Stephen Yakeley Architects
10 College Cross

Last Updated 04/10/2001
Mike Trinder

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